Sunday, July 8, 2012

team baseball jerseys not just to spend ......

For mlb man, apparently without access to the treatment of irregular menstruation Or to seek luck or go to gather Come on, how much is a little harvest, but also live to run more than 10 kilometers of road, and Paul missing the day, also floated a woman, if her the problems, not just to spend ......
Prepared, the more the better it!
With so dirty idea mlb, when the active muscles,air jordan xvii, and walked to the left side of the cliff, ready to rock climbing herbs, seeing the difference a few steps coming, suddenly at the foot of a virtual, not yet had time to respond the whole body of the real M1b on With the foot of the virtual soil sink,team baseball jerseys, and fell into a dark hole.
This manner the hole is concealed by the hay leaves a thin layer of soil at the top of the hay leaves fall, some seeds have been blown over, they take root in the surface dust and grow into dense grass is lush appearance to deceive the eyes of the mlb, let him fall into the trap of nature.
mlb fall into the hole in the ground along an inclined plane to continue to roll down roll about a dozen meters, BOOM, heavily hit a hard object, this stopped.
Arm came a sharp pain, cold sweat on his forehead along with flow out while feeling light and bright, mlb can not help but open my eyes, and found that he actually came to a valley, the valley and outside the valley connected through that hole, he just fall into this hole to fall down.
It happened too sudden, real M1b did not had time to do preparation, all the way to roll, no decapitated, is considered lucky.
mlb barely stand up, his left arm limp underground hanging a little power so do not go up. are pouring in terrible pain, so that the mlb almost teeth struggling to hold on, do not know is not his arm broken.
Bow to check it again, okay, but the shoulders dislocated bone is not broken.
So mlb held onto the left hand with his right hand feel on the ground, shoulders shaking to find. He felt the bones in the arm after the aligned position, the upper body of a dump body weight to the left. Just listen to cracking it soon dislocated left arm with the help of its own weight, replied in situ.
mlb wipe the sweat on his forehead, the left hand is basically able to move, that terrible pain has disappeared on his left arm, or a kind of unspeakable pain. his dislocated arm restored, but the arm muscle, after all, serious sprain can not be resumed immediately.
In addition, the skin of his body fall down in a cave stone badly bruises on the skin abrasions cold sweat so a sting becomes a burning more is the pain on pain, suffering unbearable words, very uncomfortable.
Leg is also scarred, torn in several places in the leg parts, draw a long deep scar. The blood oozing from the wound down the river, already stained the ground by a large.
Last because of the injuries of the hand, for the time being can stop the bleeding, herbal medicine to run out, we must find some herbal treatment the

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